Greater Family Health is very pleased to announce that its Walk-In Clinic will be relocating from its current location to the John Graham Pavilion, with our grand re-opening set for Monday, August 1st. Although the Walk-In Clinic will still be located in Sherman Hospital’s East Campus, this new location will double the size of our facility, providing 12 examination rooms and significantly larger spaces for our health services and staff, including the laboratory, waiting room, and work offices. Regular Walk-In Clinic hours will be provided through Friday, July 29th, after which Walk-In Clinic patients can continue to receive care at our Greater Family Health for Saturday, July 30th and Sunday, July 31st. On Monday, August 1st, patients can expect to receive services at our new location. Please stay tuned for future press releases, which will be issued in the coming weeks; an Open House will also occur at our new location, TBA. (see new photos here!)

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