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Virtual Visits Now Available

Virtual Visits Now Available!
April 7, 2020
Informacion en español disponible abajo

Greater Family Health is always ensuring that our patients are receiving the health care they need, including during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are pleased to announce that Greater Family Health is launching Virtual Visits on April 8th, 2020!

What is a Virtual Visit?

You might have heard of telehealth or telemedicine appointments. Well, Virtual Visits are just like that – during a Virtual Visit, you will have your appointment with your Greater Family Health provider over a video chat system while you remain at home.

Greater Family Health has provided Virtual Visits for psychiatry patients for years. Now, Greater Family Health is expanding Virtual Visits to our medical and general behavioral health patients as well!

Please note, if you are a new patient, you cannot be seen by a Greater Family Health practitioner through a Virtual Visit.

How do I schedule a Virtual Visit?

Call 844-599-3700 to schedule your appointment today!

When you call for an appointment, our Phone Operators will let you know if your appointment can be done through a Virtual Visit or if you will be asked to schedule a face-to-face visit in a Greater Family Health Health Center.

What types of appointments can be done via a Virtual Visit?
Some appointment types are not available through a Virtual Visit. Below are appointment types that can be done through a Virtual Visit:

Our Call Center staff at 844-599-3700 will be able to tell you if your appointment type is eligible for a Virtual Visit.

What type of device do I need to use for my Virtual Visit?
To participate in a Virtual Visit, you will need either a computer, a tablet or a phone (iPhone or Android). Once your visit is scheduled, you will receive an email with instructions on how to prepare your device for the Virtual Visit.
For your first Virtual Visit, you should sign in 10 minutes early to test the audio and video on your device.
If you are not signed into your appointment at least 5 minutes after your appointment is scheduled to begin, you will forfeit your appointment slot.
Virtual Visit Benefits
What is the cost of a Virtual Visit?
Virtual Visits are available for patients with and without insurance and are the same price as a face-to-face visit in one of our Health Centers.

Greater Family Health’s sliding scale discount is available for eligible patients who are seen by a Greater Family Health practitioner via a Virtual Visit. Amounts due from a patient after application of Greater Family Health’s Sliding Fee Scale, and amounts due from patients with insurance who have an insurance co-pay, will be collected by our Billing Department through a follow up phone call.

To schedule a Virtual Visit call 844-599-3700.

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