The COVID-19 pandemic brought several unprecedented challenges, including the need to provide continuous healthcare coverage to Medicaid patients. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) responded to this challenge by automatically re-enrolling individuals with Medicaid insurance. However, with the coming end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, all Illinois Medicaid and Medicaid Managed Care patients will have to regularly re-enroll to continue to receive Medicaid health insurance coverage.
Beginning immediately, the State of Illinois will send a letter to all Medicaid recipients informing them of their Medicaid coverage status. If individuals need to complete a renewal form to continue their Medicaid coverage, the note will provide instructions on how to do so. Completing the renewal form promptly is essential to ensure coverage is maintained.
Follow these steps to make sure you do not lose your Medicaid health insurance:
Visit medicaid.illinois.gov or call (877) 805-5312 to update your contact information.
The State of Illinois needs your mailing address, phone number and email address to contact you about your Medicaid coverage.
Check your mail for a letter from the State of Illinois.
The State of Illinois will mail a letter to you about your Medicaid coverage. The letter will let you know if you need to complete a renewal form.
Complete your renewal form (if you get one)
If a renewal form is needed, fill out the form and return it to the State of Illinois right away so you do not lose Medicaid insurance.
If individuals are no longer eligible for Medicaid, they may still have the option to obtain health insurance coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. The Marketplace allows individuals to purchase health insurance at a lower cost. Interested individuals can call 844.599.3700 to speak to a Health Benefits Specialist today and learn more about their options.
Medicaid recipients in Illinois should take the necessary steps to re-enroll and update their contact information to avoid losing their coverage. Medicaid recipients must act quickly. Individuals can ensure they continue accessing essential healthcare services by taking these steps.