On April 12th, 2018 Greater Family Health celebrated the expanded Health Center located at 450 Dundee Avenue in Elgin with a Ribbon Cutting and Open House. Elected officials, community stakeholders, Greater Family Health Board members and volunteers were joined by many Greater Family Health professionals to commemorate this special occasion.
The expansion of this Health Center was completed in November of 2017. This expansion included the addition of 10 medical exam rooms to house Greater Family Health’s obstetrics and gynecology practice, which was previously housed in the lower level of the same building. The expansion also added 3 dental operatories, which now total 12.
Craig Dodt, Chair of the Board of Directors, welcomed and thanked guests for their support of the important services that Greater Family Health provides to the community. He highlighted the leadership of Greater Family Health’s President and CEO, Bob Tanner, who has been instrumental in transforming Greater Family Health into the high caliber health care organization it is today.
Bob Tanner, President/CEO, thanked guests for their attendance and support of Greater Family Health. He thanked the staff at Greater Family Health for their patience and cooperation during the renovations. Mr. Tanner mentioned that this project could not have been possible without the leadership and hard work of Greater Family Health’s COO, Lupe Fonseca and CFO, Jason Carey, who almost single handedly built and designed the Health Center not once, but twice due to an unfortunate flooding incident that occurred within weeks of the opening of the expanded space.
Among the elected officials present was Rose Martinez, Councilwoman for the City of Elgin, who shared that she grew up down the street from Greater Family Health and remembered the time before Greater Family Health came to the neighborhood. She added that Greater Family Health and its mission is very dear to her as a native of Elgin and highlighted how great it is to have Greater Family Health on the east side of Elgin providing high quality health care services to all families in need. She thanked Greater Family Health’s founders who were present, which included Donna Anderson, Ed Hunter and Trinka Waters, for their vision and hard work to make Greater Family Health a reality.
Carol Gieske, CEO of the Elgin Area Chamber of Commerce, also expressed her support for Greater Family Health and shared how glad she is to see Greater Family Health continue to expand and increase its provision of services in the community.