Greater Family Health is proud to announce that the organization has been selected as a 2017 Million Hearts Hypertension Control Champion! More than 100 applicants sent in a nomination for the 2017 Control Challenge, and Greater Family Health was 1 out of 24 Champions that passed the validation process! This achievement is one of many examples that demonstrate Greater Family Health’s commitment to improving the lives of our patients.
Heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases kill over 800,000 Americans each year, accounting for 1 in every 3 deaths. To address this issue, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services established Million Hearts in 2012, an ongoing initiative co-led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
As part of this initiative, the CDC and the CMS launched the Million Hearts Hypertension Control Challenge, a competition to identify health care providers that have worked with their patients to achieve hypertension control rates at or above 70% through innovations in health information technology and electronic health records, patient communication, and health care team approaches.
“We are excited to host this Challenge and showcase successful strategies used by our 2017 Champions to keep blood pressure under safe control, prevent heart attacks and strokes, and save lives,” said Janet Wright, M.D., a board-certified cardiologist and executive director of Million Hearts. “We had a higher than ever number of entrants this year, and we hope that these Champions inspire teams all over the country to make hypertension control a priority. We are already looking forward to celebrating the achievements of future Champions in the years to come.”
To view the original CDC announcement, please visit here.