Greater Family Health patients were the benefactor of the generosity of the West Suburban Chicago Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc, which donated children’s books, children’s winter hats and children’s winter gloves to distribute to patients of Greater Family Health’s site located at 10225 Grand Avenue, Franklin Park.
Alongside the purchased books for patients, Jack and Jill of America Inc. volunteers wrote encouraging notes about the importance of reading and decorated bags with words of inspiration and affirmations of hope.
’The combination of the donated books, hat and gloves and inspiring messaging offers a powerful message regarding the passion that Jack and Jill of America has for our patients’ said Greater Family Health President/CEO Bob Tanner.
Jack and Jill boast 252 chapters nationwide, representing over 40,000 family members. Each chapter plans annual programming activities guided under a general five-point programmatic thrust: cultural awareness, educational development, health (education and advocacy), civic (legislative advocacy and service) and social/recreational areas. Through service projects, Jack and Jill of America create a medium of contact for children to stimulate their growth and development. Through lobbying, educational programming, dissemination of educational materials, and the organization of community and charitable events, Jack and Jill have promoted the public awareness and interests of children, including child development, child growth, child quality of life, childcare and the promotion of children’s rights.
“In keeping with the mission of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. to nurture future African American leaders by strengthening children through philanthropic giving and civic duty, West Suburban Chicago Chapter was honored to collaborate with Greater Family Health,” said Dorothy Gautreaux Sisnett, Martin Luther King Program Chair.
Dorothy Gautreaux Sisnett, Martin Luther King Program Chair, and Nikita Wynn,, West Suburban Chicago Program Director for Jack and Jill of America, were joined by Bob Tanner, CEO and President and members of Greater Family Health’s Community Outreach Department for a tour of 10225 Grand Avenue and learn more about the services Greater Family Health offers to not only residents of Franklin Park, but residents of over fifty-five municipalities.
“We look forward to partnering with Greater Family Health again in the future as our teens thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to be of service to your constituents,” Sisnett stated.