Greater Family Health completes patient satisfaction surveys at all its Health Centers every quarter. Our benchmark for patient satisfaction is 75%.
The following are 2005-2012 results, aggregated, indicating tremendous patient satisfaction with Greater Family Health.
Mean for 2005-2012
- My phone calls are answered 86%
- The reception staff is courteous and helpful 92%
- I was able to get a timely appointment 88%
- I was able to communicate with the Health Center staff and have my needs understood 91%
- Level of satisfaction with information and education regarding your medical concerns 92%
- Level of satisfaction with the time that staff spent with me 91%
- My phone call was returned in a timely manner by courteous staff 87%
- I feel that the staff listened to my concerns and addressed them 92%
- The time waiting was reasonable 86%
- I was treated respectfully 94%
- Rate your level of satisfaction with receiving test (X-ray and/or lab) results and recommendations in a timely manner 90%
- Level of satisfaction that personal medical information is handled in a private and confidential manner 94%
- Level of satisfaction with the service received by your Medical Assistant, who brings patients to rooms, takes vital signs and inquires about medical problems 93%
- Level of satisfaction with the nursing care you received (Nursing care includes such things as bandages, injections, blood draws, patient education/instruction, and referrals?arrangements for appointments elsewhere 93%
- Level of satisfaction with the medical care received from your health provider (the Doctor, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner) 93%
- Overall, how satisfied are you with the Health Center? 93%